What The Bible Teaches...

What The Bible Teaches...

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
12/03/23 Why Am I A Member of The Church of Christ #1 Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A AM Worship 12.03.23Am.mp3
11/26/23 Qualifications to Become an Elder Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A PM Worship 11.26.23PM.mp3
11/19/23 Qualities to Become an Elder Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A PM Worship 11.19.23PM.mp3
11/19/23 Kindness Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A AM Worship 11.18.23AM.mp3
11/12/23 Traditions Mike Matthews Sermon N/A PM Worship 11.12.23PM.mp3
11/12/23 The Best of The Generation Chris Walsh Sermon N/A AM Worship 11.12.23AM.mp3
11/05/23 Fathers Teach Your Sons Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A AM Worship 11.05.25Am.mp3
10/29/23 Are You Indifferent? Don Hastings Sermon N/A PM Worship 10.29.23Pm.mp3
10/29/23 God's Way Robert Cliatt Sermon N/A AM Worship 10.29.23Am.mp3
10/22/23 The Eldership: Sober-Mindedness, Self Control & Discipline Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A PM Worship 10.22.23pm.mp3
10/22/23 Jabez: The Man Who Stood Out in a Crowd Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A AM Worship 10.22.23am.mp3
10/15/23 The Eldership - Believing Children Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A PM Worship 10.15.23pm.mp3
10/15/23 Why Are There So Many Churches? Part 2 Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A AM Worship 10.15.23AM.mp3
10/08/23 How Many Kids Must An Elder Have? Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A PM Worship 10.08.23Pm.mp3
10/08/23 Why Are There So Many Churches? Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A AM Worship 10.08.23Am.mp3
10/01/23 Biblical Paradoxes Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A AM Worship 10.01.23Am.mp3
09/24/23 Husband of One Wife Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A PM Worship 09.24.23PM.mp3
09/24/23 A Successful Gospel Meeting Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A AM Worship 09.24.23AM.mp3
09/17/23 Above Reproach Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A PM Worship 09.17.23PM.mp3
09/17/23 Total Commitment Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A AM Worship 09.17.23AM.mp3

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