What The Bible Teaches...

What The Bible Teaches...

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
02/18/24 Overview of Job: Part 4 Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A PM Worship 02.18.24PM.mp3
02/18/24 Overview of Job: Part 3 Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A AM Worship 02.18.24AM.mp3
02/11/24 Overview of Job: Part 2 Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A PM Worship 02.11.24PM.mp3
02/11/24 Overview of Job: Part 1 Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A AM Worship 02.11.24AM.mp3
02/04/24 Having A Proper Attitude Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A AM Worship 02.04.24AM.mp3
01/28/24 The Work of The Church - Evangelism, Edification, Benevolence Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A PM Worship 01.28.24PM.mp3
01/28/24 Is It Worth It Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A AM Worship 01.28.24AM.mp3
01/21/24 What Challenges Lie Ahead? Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A PM Worship 01.21.24PM.mp3
01/21/24 "Don't Let It Bother You!" Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A AM Worship 01.21.24AM.mp3
01/14/24 Have You Stalled? Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A PM Worship 01.14.24PM.mp3
01/14/24 Am I Sincere? Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A AM Worship 01.14.24AM.mp3
01/07/24 Change Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A AM Worship 01.07.24AmM.mp3
12/31/23 Responsibilities of the Church Robert Cliatt Sermon N/A PM Worship 12.31.2023pm.mp3
12/31/23 Out With the Old, In With the New David Gibson Sermon N/A AM Worship 12.31.2023am.mp3
12/24/23 Qualifications to Become an Elder: Not Given to Wine Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A PM Worship 12.24.23PM.mp3
12/24/23 Why Am I A Member of The Church of Christ #4 Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A AM Worship 12.24.23AM.mp3
12/17/23 Elder Qualifications: A Lover of What is Good Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A PM Worship 12.17.23PM.mp3
12/17/23 Why I'm a Member of the Church of Christ #3 Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A AM Worship 12.17.23AM.mp3
12/10/23 Qualifications to Become an Elder: Not a lover of money Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A PM Worship 12.10.23PM.mp3
12/10/23 Why Am I A Member of The Church of Christ #2 Jerry Cleek Sermon N/A AM Worship 12.10.23AM.mp3

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