What The Bible Teaches...

What The Bible Teaches...

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
03/18/15 Building A Strong Church: The Family, It All Starts In The Home Rick Liggin Gospel Meeting Building A Strong Church PM Worship 2015-03-18-PM-BuildingAStrongChurchTheFamilyItAllStartsInTheHome-RickLiggin.mp3 BuildingAStrongChurchTheFamilyItAllStartsInTheHome-RickLiggin.pptx
03/17/15 Building A Strong Church: Spiritual Leadership Needed Rick Liggin Gospel Meeting Building A Strong Church PM Worship BuildingAStrongChurchSpiritualLeadershipNeeded-RickLiggin.pptx 2015-03-17-PM-BuildingAStrongChurchSpiritualLeadershipNeeded-RickLiggin.mp3
03/16/15 Building A Strong Church: Communication Is Pitching & Catching Rick Liggin Gospel Meeting Building A Strong Church PM Worship BuildingAStrongChurchCommunicationIsPitchingCatching-RickLiggin.pptx 2015-03-16-PM-BuildingAStrongChurchCommunicationIsPitchingCatching-RickLiggin.mp3
03/15/15 Building A Strong Church: The Need For Close Relationships Rick Liggin Gospel Meeting Building A Strong Church PM Worship BuildingAStrongChurchTheNeedForCloseRelationships-RickLiggin.pptx 2015-03-15-PM-BuildingAStrongChurchTheNeedForCloseRelationships-RickLiggin.mp3
03/15/15 Building A Strong Church: A Focus On Teaching Rick Liggin Gospel Meeting Building A Strong Church AM Worship BuildingAStrongChurchAFocusOnTeaching-RickLiggin.pptx 2015-03-15-AM2-BuildingAStrongChurchAFocusOnTeaching-RickLiggin.mp3
03/15/15 The Aim Of Preaching Rick Liggin Gospel Meeting N/A AM Worship 2015-03-15-AM1-TheAimOfPreaching-RickLiggin.mp3
03/08/15 Where Could I Go But To The Lord Seth Mauldin Sermon N/A PM Worship WhereCouldIGoButToTheLord-SethMauldin.pdf
03/08/15 Sowing In Order To Reap Seth Mauldin Sermon N/A AM Worship SowingInOrderToReap-SethMauldin.pdf
03/01/15 Digging Up The Root of Bitterness Seth Mauldin Sermon N/A AM Worship DiggingUpTheRootOfBitterness-SethMauldin.pdf
03/01/15 James : Practical Applications Seth Mauldin Sermon James AM Worship 2015-02-01-AM-James1PracticalApplications-SethMauldin.mp3
02/28/15 Lesson 1: God's Presence With His People Josh Creel Sermon The Holy Spirit AM Worship TheHolySpirit-JoshuaCreel-1480048365.ppt Lesson1GodsPresenceWithHisPeople-JoshuaCreel.pdf
02/28/15 Lesson 2: The Presence Of God & The Word Of God Josh Creel Sermon The Holy Spirit AM Worship TheHolySpirit-JoshuaCreel.ppt Lesson2ThePresenceOfGodTheWordOfGod-JoshuaCreel.pdf
02/28/15 Lesson 3: The Spirit Of God & Our Spirit Josh Creel Sermon The Holy Spirit AM Worship TheHolySpirit-JoshuaCreel-1480048625.ppt Lesson3TheSpiritOfGodOurSpirit-JoshuaCreel.pdf
02/22/15 Sins Of Omission Jason Galloway Sermon N/A PM Worship SinsOfOmission-JasonGalloway.pptx 2015-02-22-PM-SinsOfOmission-JasonGalloway.mp3
02/22/15 Modesty Mike Matthews Sermon N/A AM Worship Modesty-MikeMatthews.docx 2015-02-22-AM-Modesty-MikeMatthews.mp3
02/15/15 What God Sees In A Grumbler Seth Mauldin Sermon N/A PM Worship WhatGodSeesInAGrumbler-SethMauldin.pdf 2015-02-15-PM-WhatGodSeesInAGrumbler-SethMauldin.mp3
02/15/15 Ordering The Morning With Prayer Seth Mauldin Sermon N/A AM Worship OrderingTheMorningWithPrayer-SethMauldin.pptx OrderingTheMorningWithPrayer-SethMauldin.pdf 2015-02-15-AM-OrderingTheMorningWithPrayer-SethMauldin.mp3
02/15/15 Ordering The Morning With Prayer Seth Mauldin Sermon N/A AM Worship 2015-02-15-AM-OrderingTheMorningWithPrayer-SethMauldin-1480049397.mp3 OrderingTheMorningWithPrayer-SethMauldin-1480049398.pdf OrderingTheMorningWithPrayer-SethMauldin-1480049399.pptx
02/08/15 Doubting Jesus: Disciples & Detractors Seth Mauldin Sermon N/A PM Worship DoubtingJesus-SethMauldin.pptx DoubtingJesusDisciplesDetractors-SethMauldin.pdf 2015-02-08-PM-DoubtingJesusDisciplesDetractors-SethMauldin.mp3
02/08/15 Doubting Jesus: Friends & Family Seth Mauldin Sermon N/A AM Worship DoubtingJesus-SethMauldin-1480049706.pptx DoubtingJesusFriendsFamily-SethMauldin.pdf 2015-02-08-AM-DoubtingJesusFriendsFamily-SethMauldin.mp3

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