What The Bible Teaches...

What The Bible Teaches...

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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
08/29/21 Living in The World Mike Matthews Sermon N/A AM Worship Living_in_the_World_MMatthews_29_Aug_AM.mp3
08/22/21 Acts 20 Continuing Paul's 3rd Missionary Journey Terry Benton Sermon Acts Shows the Gospel Power on the World PM Worship Acts_20_Continuing_Pauls_3rd_Journey_Tbenton_22_Aug_PM.mp3
08/22/21 Being Like Jesus #2 Terry Benton Sermon BEING LIKE JESUS AM Worship Being_Like_jesus_2_TBenton_22AugAM.mp3
08/22/21 Being Like Jesus 2 Authority PPT Terry Benton Sermon BEING LIKE JESUS AM Worship Being_like_Jesus_N2_Authority.pptx
08/15/21 Acts 19 Paul at Ephesus Terry Benton Sermon N/A AM Worship Acts_19_Paul_at_Ephesus_TBenton_15AugPM.mp3
08/15/21 Be Like Jesus #1 Our Mission and Goal Terry Benton Sermon Be Like Jesus AM Worship Be_Like_Jesus_1_Tbenton_15Aug_AM.mp3
08/15/21 Be Like Jesus 1 PPT Terry Benton Sermon BEING LIKE JESUS AM Worship Being_Like_Jesus_1.pptx
08/08/21 Paul's 3rd Missionary Journey Terry Benton Sermon Acts Shows the Gospel Power on the World PM Worship Pauls_3rd_Missionary_Journey_TBenton_8AugPM.mp3
08/08/21 Acts 18-19 Paul's Third Journey PPT Terry Benton Sermon Acts Shows the Gospel Power on the World PM Worship Pauls_Third_Journey_Acts_18t19.pptx
08/08/21 What is God to You 6 My Shepherd Terry Benton Sermon N/A AM Worship What_is_God_to_You_-6_Tbenton_8AugAM.mp3
08/07/21 What is God to You 6 MY SHEPHERD PPT Terry Benton Sermon What is God to You? AM Worship What_is_God_to_You_6_MY_SHEPHERD.pptx
08/01/21 What is God to You 5 MY GOD PPT Terry Benton Sermon What is God to You? AM Worship What_is_God_to_You_5_-My_God.pptx
07/26/21 Acts 18 Paul in Corinth Terry Benton Sermon Acts Shows the Gospel Power on the World AM Worship Acts_18_Paul_in_Corinth_TBenton_25JulPM-1627309159.mp3
07/26/21 What is God to You 4 My Deliverer PPT Terry Benton Sermon What is God to You? AM Worship What_is_God_to_You_4_My_Deliverer.pptx
07/25/21 Acts 18 PPT Terry Benton Sermon Acts Shows the Gospel Power on the World PM Worship Acts_18.pptx
07/25/21 What is God to You 4 - My Deliverer Terry Benton Sermon What is God to You? AM Worship Knowing_God_Like_David_Did_-_My_Deliverer_TBenton_25_JulAM.mp3
07/18/21 Acts Shows How the Gospel Affects Different Hearts Terry Benton Sermon N/A AM Worship Acts_Shows_How_the_Gospel_Affects_Different_Hearts_TBenton_18_JulPM.mp3
07/18/21 Acts Shows the Gospel versus Different Hearts PPT-Acts 17:10-34 Terry Benton Sermon Acts Shows the Gospel Power on the World PM Worship Acts_17v10t34.ppt
07/18/21 What is God to You 3 -My Fortress PPT Terry Benton Sermon What is God to You? AM Worship What_is_God_to_You_3_Fortress_Shield_Stronghold-1626623993.pptx
07/18/21 Knowing God Like David Did: My Fortress Terry Benton Sermon N/A AM Worship Knowing_God_Like_David_Did_Tbenton_21_Jul_AM.mp3 What_is_God_to_You_3_Fortress_Shield_Stronghold.pptx

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